Tag: hummingbirds

Enter Bad Hawky

A bad, evil hawk has moved into some palm trees my hummingbirds zoom off to sometimes. I fear that he is here to feed on Spring’s Bounty (new hummingbirds).
John Bailey Owen 2 comments

Look. There is a wearable hummingbird feeder mask:

Look: Here’s the guy who made it: My friend Neil told me about this mask when I mentioned the sweet little hummington nest I so geniusley found. He also
John Bailey Owen no comments


What’s that, John? You like hummingbirds? You like to look out of your window and see them? That’s very discerning of you, John. You are a good man. What’s
John Bailey Owen no comments

Amazon category

    Y’see that image? I’m posting this as a declaration of sorts. Yes, I am writing to tell all of you that I am committed to seeing Mr.
John Bailey Owen no comments