It’s music day at the Silver Lake library

John Bailey Owen 2 comments

Better to be an Indian or European in the 15th century?

I’ve been conducting a study and have found that the majority of historians and anthropologists would rather have been an Indian than a European in pre-Columbian times. The reason?
John Bailey Owen no comments


More as this develops.  
John Bailey Owen no comments

Near the end of the Paleolithic there was a twenty foot tall ape that humans kept as a pet (or something)

The ape was Gigantopithecus and it lived in the highlands of Asia. It only went extinct 20,000 years ago. For decades the only fossil specimens found were its big
John Bailey Owen no comments

A poem about Julia Child’s butt by her husband

This poem by Paul Child was published on Julia’s 49th birthday. See if you can find the lines that might have surprised you, if you were a reader of
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