Good part in Speak, Memory

I’m stuck doing sewer-work under LAX this week, so you won’t be getting much in the way of original, personalized content from me (some people aren’t aware that I
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Holy fuck

Bernd Heinrich about the metamorphosis of caterpillars/butterflies in his cool book Life Everlasting: A new theory claims that because the metamorphosis from maggot to fly or caterpillar to moth is
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Vocab quiz

As someone who fancies himself something a scribe, I adore the written word. So I’m always on the lookout for new words to add to my arsenal. But much
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Dropping oranges out of the windows on the way to away games

When we had away games, sometimes we’d bring oranges in our Adidas bags or pockets. We’d wait till we got to a good point on the highway and then
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Amazon category

    Y’see that image? I’m posting this as a declaration of sorts. Yes, I am writing to tell all of you that I am committed to seeing Mr.
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