Category: Writing

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Dumbarton Oaks Reformatory School Alumni Bulletin

In the Spotlight:  Ernest Skillings, Former Headmaster   The Bulletin drove up to Medford, Massachusetts to check in with former headmaster Ernest Skillings, one of Dumbarton Oaks Reformatory School’s
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Subject: About that email I just sent you

Hey man, how’s it going? This is sort of random, but I may have accidentally sent you an email, a joke email that was not meant to be read
John Bailey Owen no comments

My Grandparents’ Christmas Letter

Dear family, Well, what a year it has been! though your grandfather and I have had our share of trials – the slow but steady passing of all people
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A Guide for the Freshmen of This College, 1670

1. No freshman shall act in a manner unbecoming of a scholar. 2. No freshman shall speak to his senior with his hat on. 3. No freshman shall lean
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Floor Dude

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Design by Dan Ashwood
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The Curse of the Curious Wallet

“Any new models, my friend?” Another day, another trip to the wallet store. My collection was almost perfect.  So why did I keep coming back?  That’s when I saw
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