This part of Frankenstein always cracked me up

It happens in chapter 11, when ol’ doc Frankenstein is meeting up with his monster-homie, and the monster is telling him about being out in the woods: “Soon a
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Two facebook statuses

that I remembered last week when there was all that reddit-talk about the new paradigm of reddit. These were posted right after Mubarak resigned: “Congratulations, Egypt! Welcome to democracy!”
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Some old pieces about the Facebook game Jetman

What an exciting title for a post. This is the game I am talking about: For a few weeks in college, everyone played this a lot on Facebook. In
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I’m afraid I have to cancel yesterday’s post

You know what the worst thing is? The image is called “hummington.jpg,” and I saw the name before I saw the actual image. I thought it was going to
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What’s that, John? You like hummingbirds? You like to look out of your window and see them? That’s very discerning of you, John. You are a good man. What’s
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