My friend Billy on his parents finding a gross comic he drew in 8th grade


A photo of Billy now and a cartoon he drew of himself around the time his comic was discovered

A story I’ve always loved from my friend Billy:

In 8th grade I used to draw comics in study hall because I was bored all the time and didn’t really have much work, and my friends were in study hall with me so we would pass them around and dick around the whole hour. I was doing crew at the time, so I drew this one comic about my friend showing up to the boathouse dressed as a woman and trying to get me to fuck him. I knew it was him and ripped off the wig and started beating the shit out of him with an oar. I also had huge muscles and a huge dick and it was pretty funny. but anyways I put it in my pocket and then when I got home I took a shower and my mom took my clothes to do the laundry before I could empty out the pockets. She got into the habit of checking my pockets before doing the laundry because she would always take my clothes right after I took a shower she had washed my wallet a few times and whatever. So she found the comic and read it. That night my parents called me into their room and pulled out the comic and I just had a panic attack and was yelling “I DIDN’T DRAW THAT HE DID!!!” before they even said anything. My parents acted like they believed me even though it was obviously my handwriting and it praised me incessantly; I realize now they probably thought iIwas just acting so pathetic that they couldn’t really have this conversation with me. As I left their room my dad said, “Whoever made this has a lot of hate in his heart…”

And here are two comics from when he was a cartoonist for the college paper:



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